Thursday, May 9, 2019

Orange-Cumin Chicken

This is a very tasty dish that you can cook in a wok or saucier. I usually use Licor 43, a Spanish orange liquor, but since this can be hard to find, you can use any orange liquor. However, I'm not sure I'd recommend blue curacao unless you want a blue chicken dish. :-) Also, please don't use bottled orange juice in place of squeezed oranges since most orange juices are often high-processed and may contain additives that may not react well to boiling.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Angeli's London Broil

Here's my version of the London Broil, simple and quick to cook, after marinating overnight. Note: if you have a blacktop grill at home as I do, you could use that instead -- just grill it for 7 minues or so on each side.